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Pleasure, Joy, and Healing Trauma

Talk of pleasure and joy may not seem to have much to do with Inquiry Meditation, since, oftentimes, we’re working on stuff we associate with un-fun: trauma, shadow work, pain, etc.

But pleasure, and feeling good, at least for the way I practice, have EVERYTHING to do with Inquiry Meditation and healing trauma.

They are in fact IM’s foundation. First and foremost, as far as I’m concerned: Pleasure is the point. Of all of it. Feeling good is the point. It’s really why we do everything we do. So there’s that.

As you see what hasn’t been seen, as you make conscious what was unconscious, as you greet it with some welcome, it shifts in some way. It redistributes. It leaves. It dissolves. It transmutes. However it shifts, room is left.

This is why IM’ers frequently speak of feeling lighter. It’s because they’ve cleared space. And that space is the natural “feelin’ good,” joyous nature of the Universe.

Feeling good is what the Universe feels like. Feeling good is the frequency of the Universe, the frequency of creation. I think it’s the frequency of love.

Feeling good, therefore, is real power. Pleasure in your body is powerful.To put it more bluntly: Pleasure in your body is POWER.

Just as important, pleasure feels good! It feels good to feel good!

Inquiry Meditation clears the way for you to feel evermore good, evermore of the time.

BUT–and this is an important “but,” which I’m sure you caught since I put it caps, and you catch on quick, I know–the IM process itself feels deeply good.

Pain does come up. You do feel the pain. But that is because it is pain that already is inside you. It feels good to watch it respond to welcome. It feels good to experience it transmute. It's a joyous experience.

It feels fundamentally good to love it because love feels good. It never, never gets old for me to witness this alchemy.




I’m not trying to package IM as a pain-free process. Moving energy is real.

Again, though, the only pain you feel, is pain that already is inside you. And it's coming up because it wants to be transmuted.

And the IM energy is on some 5D shit, and they–sometimes the energy feels like a “they” to me–are a kind, lighthearted and super-cool energy that will indeed help you move your pain…and they want you to feel really good while you do that. They know that that is possible. Even necessary. Even inevitable.

The IM process itself carries the frequency of good feelingness, and really, good will, because just like with everything else, the end result of the thing carries the frequency of its makings, its journey. You must feel good while you do the thing that will make you feel good.

On a whole separate note, kind of: As you do the good and noble work of lovingly tending your darkness: Do make a point of also tending your pleasure.

I mean just in general, unrelated to IM–and the IM energy enthusiastically supports this message:). I have a whole pleasure practice, thanks to Regena Thomashauer. I wouldn’t have stumbled upon IM by way of Byron Katie’s The Work were it not for my pleasure practice, which includes being in community with other like-minded women. It was a woman in Regena's community who helped me practice The Work.

So, this emphasis on pleasure is kind of baked into IM, because its genesis is rooted in the pursuit of feeling good.




Sometimes, if I have to choose between my IM practice and pleasure, I’ll choose pleasure: reading a book. Music. A bath.

I encourage you to do the same when that feels right–and the IM energy enthusiastically supports this choice:)! Why? Because it’s all the same thing.

Rather: it’s all made of the same thing. Pleasure, IM, joy, love, kindness, feeling good, approval, power–yes, yes, yes, POWER: it’s all made of the same thing.

I highly encourage you to inquire after your pleasure. I learn from a bunch of other people as well, and there are many many teachers who approach from so many angles and sooo many avenues to pursue. Your body will lead you to what will feel exactly amazing for you!If ever you want to discuss or explore, just let me know.



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